About Us
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About kartik advertising
We are one of the leading Advertising Agencies engaged in the outdoors publicity on Indian Railway, All India Radio, Hoardings, Bus Panels and other outdoor mediums in Mumbai and other states.
We are the pioneer of Full Suburban Local Trains, Mumbai.
We have been working for National Clients for last 37 years.
We are strong on BEST Buses – Mumbai & All types of outdoor mediums offered by Railways as well as city busses and State Transport Buses in Gujarat, Maharashtra, Karnataka, M.P., A.P., Rajsthan & Cities like Chennai, Ahmedabad, Pune, Hyderabad, Banglore, Nashik, Nagpur etc.

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Why Choose Us
We are one of the leading Advertising Agencies engaged in the outdoors publicity on Indian Railway, All India Radio, Hoardings, Bus Panels and other outdoor mediums in Mumbai and other states.
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RAILWAY Stations & trains
Advertising at train stations and Full train advertising media helps advertisers in reaching the target audience and creating the right impact.
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BUSES Advertising
Bus shelter advertising is act as an effective medium for point-of-purchase, ethnic or geographic marketing and its advertising rates are cost effective.
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Outdoor advertising can deliver a relevant message to the mass/ targeted audience with ease and efficiency with consistency when it comes to delivering brand awareness.
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ST DEPOT Advertising
Bus Depot branding (Advertisement in ST Bus Depot on Platform, Parapet, Pillars, Wall etc.) is very effective and compels to watch advertisement to incoming and outgoing passing public of Bus Depot.
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BUS SHELTERS Advertising
Bus shelter advertising rates are cost effective as compare to other mode of advertising. Bus shelter advertising is act as an effective medium for point-of-purchase, ethnic or geographic marketing.
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Lamp-post branding or pole kiosk branding is a medium of advertising where in small and compact billboards are put up on electric poles & back to back, along the main roads of the city.